Urn Choices that Include Mementos

The smell of the gardens you frequented together, the taste of the cookies he baked, the touch of the soft blanket she made by hand or a photo that reminds you of laughs or tears shared – Many of us associate memories with items. A family recipe, a swatch of fabric, or a photo are just a few examples of things that can have special meaning.

When the time comes to select an urn for someone you love, you may wish to consider urn choices that include a secure place for special mementos. 

Here are a few example of urns designed for holding mementos as well as ashes:

The Remembrance Memorial Urn Chest is especially popular among families because of its ability to hold multiple urns (if desired) and its lattice ribbon within the lid created specifically to secure photos or other small documents. Designed to honor one person, a couple, or a family in a dignified way, this memorial chest is crafted of wood with a high gloss rosewood finish with a felt-lined interior. This handsome chest can also be securely locked with a polished brass key.

With its delicate color options, the Precious Extra Small Urns in BluePink or Ivory are designed for those who have lost a baby or child. Parents appreciate the velvet-lined interior and the lift-out tray for small mementos in addition to a special place for the child's photo in the lid.

The Rosewood Hall Photo Chest Urn by Howard Miller is a handsomely-designed vertical box shape urn with ornate fluting and brass details framing a 5 x 7 photo area that can be used to truly personalize the urn. With a high-gloss rosewood finish, this urn has the extra option to include the brass insert. Ashes can be placed inside the brass insert and then set inside the chest. Documents or other mementos also can be placed inside the chest.

These urn choices with a secure compartment for special tokens may warm our hearts and bring us comfort.

For more ideas on how to remember your loved one, take a look at some of these other Stardust Memorial blog topics: